Hi, nice to meet you!

my family, akron photographer and her family, canton photographer and her family

Hi! Jeanine Booker here! If you are looking at my page that usually means congratulations are in order, so first, Congratulations! Maybe you are expecting a new baby, or maybe you are coming up on a milestone in your child's life, or maybe, you are looking to have family pictures done, and let's face it, parenting is hard, so any milestone is worth celebrating, even if that means you survived another year!

I am a mother of two very energetic, little boys. They are so ornery! Can't you see it in their faces? I've been married to my very handsome and supportive husband for 11 years now. He's so tolerant of all of my crazy ideas and often gets pulled into making things for my crazy ideas. Good thing he is handy!

In my free time (haha, yeah right, what's that?) you can find me at our local Crossfit gym. I've been involved in sports all my life, I actually met my husband on the track team in college, but now I just enjoy staying fit and strong and being a good example for my kids. Plus, it helps keep me sane through the crazy days of mom-ing and late night editing.

So, photography. I've always considered myself a creative person. Throughout high school and college I played with painting, ceramics, and even jewelry making, I really enjoyed it all. When I was pregnant I spent HOURS looking at various photographers' websites dreaming about my own kids' newborn portraits. By the time I took my second son for his newborn photos, I got up the nerve to ask the photographer (shout out to Marianne Barta of Black Box Photography, she is seriously the best!) a little bit about how she got started in this business. At that moment, something magical happened in the universe because she was more than willing to talk to me about her journey and she even offered to let me shadow her, if I wanted. I left the session feeling so excited for the opportunity to learn. A few months later, I got my first camera and reached out to Marianne to see if she was serious about letting me learn from her. And she was! She would let me know when she had newborns scheduled and I would go "help" her. I'm not sure that I was actually helping her, but as she would calm and pose the babies, she would talk me through what she was doing and why. And so, a few months later, it was my turn to give it a try! My first session went great. The baby was a dream and I thought I actually got some good shots! (Looking back now I can't believe I thought these were quality images, but, we all start somewhere.) I was in love. In love with capturing these very quickly fleeting newborn moments for their families to have forever. And the rest is history! I continue to learn and grow, and I honestly love it each step of the way. As my clients have grown, so have my sessions, I also offer birthday portraits and family sessions. It's so fun to see my clients grow through the years! I look forward to meeting you and your family!


5 random facts about me:

1. I try to take a nap everyday, even just 20 minutes makes my soul happy.

2. I am SUPER competitive, like, to a fault. But I'm also super supportive.

3. I am most comfortable wearing work-out clothes. Sweats, t-shirt, leggings, tank, you name it, just give me comfy!

4. I can't stand to wear nail polish on my fingernails, but my toes are painted 98% of the time.

5. I believe in the magical powers of natural remedies, things like essential oils and elderberry syrup. If someone in my family is sick, this is my first line of defense. But don't worry, I do have actual medicine in my house, and we use that too if the natural stuff isn't working.